Last Class!!!

June 8, 2010

Ok so this week you will share your Top 10 Books of all times! They may be unrelated or you may choose to create a book set.  Book set being books all related to the same topic. i.e. books to start the year with, books for a unit on the Underground Railroad, books on friendship, empathy  etc.   You only need to review 5 of those books, but bring all 10 to class.

We will also discuss what criteria you will use when choosing books. What. from all the evaluation criteria we have read about, do you think is the most important?

Historical fiction, biography, non fiction

June 2, 2010

Oh what a week!  Choose 5 books to review, can be any combination of the above genres, (unless of course you want to do 5 from each!) Bring your favorite to share and we will spend some time on each genre.

Realistic Fiction

May 23, 2010

Lots of great books out there for this genre!  Hard to believe we only have 3 more classes!


May 4, 2010

Hello everyone,

this week is poetry week.  I think it makes the most sense to review  poetry collections vs individual poems.  So instead of relating to the criteria for individual poems consider the strengths or weaknesses of the collection as a whole. Are there any standout poems, would it be good for teaching personification, alliteration etc.

To consider for class discussion: How do you see using poetry in your classroom?


April 28, 2010

Hi everyone,

sorry so late in getting this up!  Don’t forget Sheila will be our guest speaker tomorrow. She is planning on speaking about books that support sustainability as well as the latest and greatest multicultural titles. Please plan on bringing your book to share.


Folk Tales, Fairy Tales & Modern Fantasy

April 20, 2010

Can’t wait to see what you have this week. Come prepared to discuss the set of  folk tales you compared.

We will also have Karen Shorr coming to speak with us this week about using children’s literature to support Service learning; so if you have any questions, ideas or titles that will fit in with that discussion bring them along!

April 11, 2010

this time it will work


March 23, 2010

Welcome to our new book review blog. I hope this format will be helpful and provide you with a long list of valuable books.

When writing your reviews please be sure to include:  Title, Author, and what age level you this think this book is most appropriate for.
Use the criteria from the given chapter to form your review. If it is a picture book or illustrated story add a brief comment about the illustrations. If it sparks a great idea for a lesson jot that down as well. The idea is that this will be a resource for everyone.

Please leave a note once you have created your account so i can list you as a contributor.

Can’t wait to check out the great books!